
How can I convert coins to fiat currency such as U.S. Dollars or Euros?

How can I convert all these different coins to BTC?

How do I pick what coins to accept?

The best coins are usually the ones with fairly stable exchange rates. Bitcoin and Litecoin are the largest and most stable so we recommend you accept both of them at a minimum. Peercoin is the 3rd largest and is highly recommended as well.

How long will transactions remain in my account?

Transactions that are Cancelled/Timed Out will remain a minimum of 30 days. Other transactions will remain for a minimum of 3 years.

Where do I enable coins on the website?

When you are logged in to your account, go to the My Account, What Coins To Accept menu item. From there you can put in your wallet payment addresses and click the Enabled checkbox next to coins you want to accept. Wallet addresses can be from standalone software or from exchanges such as Poloniex, BTC-e, or others.